Rachel Foote
“ActivePipe helps us deliver more value to our contacts without adding work processes or staff to the team.”
How does Ignite compare to AUTO?
ActivePipe and Ray White teamed up to introduce Ignite to our network. It helps us regularly clean and profile our database by sending our contacts a survey that asks them about their position in the property market. Since sending out our first survey on 30th October 2017, we have noticed a spike in our lead generation with two loan leads and four appraisal requests produced.
Did you have any concerns before you started using Ignite?
I think a natural association to the word email marketing is spam. We were really concerned we would overwhelm our contacts but we have had an extremely positive response with more appraisal leads than unsubscribers. Our team are really excited to get more results from our next send.
What are the advantages of ActivePipe?
ActivePipe has made it easier for the office support team to assist the sales people with their job. We have a list of engaged contacts who have volunteered information so it is easy for us to follow them up. We are able to monitor their activity and act on it strategically which gives us a massive advantage in a competitive real estate industry.
In your opinion, what is the most significant benefit of ActivePipe?
The Data Hygiene Survey we get with Ignite has really cleaned up our data. We’ve been able to engage with contacts who have been sitting in our database for a few years and many of them have updated their details without being hassled for it.
People who updated their geo-data by giving us their address have more localised information through our location specific sold property reports, helping us deliver more value to our contacts without adding more work processes or staff to the team.