Best Practices for Contact Management
Deliverability: Best Practices to Maximize Inbox Delivery
How to win more listings
How One Agent Maximized Success with ActivePipe
Planning for the New Year: (planning & setting up campaigns now)
The Value of Email Marketing: What You Receive Back
Real World Examples of Outstanding Real Estate Newsletters
Office Hours
Stop spending hours searching for the perfect article. Introducing: Real Estate Content
ActivePipe Success Story
Work Smarter, Not Harder: Automated campaigns
Easy ways to make ActivePipe the best service for your agents
Crafting authentic & engaging holiday messages
Reporting: What happens after you press send
How To Build Effective Campaigns
In this webinar, In this webinar, we go through a step by step masterplan on how you can use write content to build strong relationships. With the holiday season around the corner, start nurturing your database with meaningful personalized messages.
How to market your listing when you can’t access the property
Professional looking photography can make or break a property sale.
Real Estate agents in Victoria under strict Stage 4 restrictions are not able to get photographers into properties, therefore making listing properties on the market especially difficult.
Luckily this problem has an elegantly simple solution.
In this session, Peter from BoxBrownie joined us to guide you on how you can have the homeowner take professional-quality property shots on your behalf, with only a smartphone!
Mastering The ‘Off-Market Campaign’
With growing economic uncertainty in Victoria, it is safe to assume that cash is, and will continue to be tight for the next 6 to 12 months.
Sellers won’t want to spend big on marketing, so providing an off-market strategy should be an essential part of every agent’s toolkit.
In this session, we’ll run through how you can utilise ActivePipe to secure off-market listings, and how to promote those listings to your targeted audiences.
We’ll also take you through a few tips and tricks for getting better engagement in each of your emails!
How to find the right buyers
With historically low interest rates it’s a great time to be a property buyer right now. But how do you sort the wheat from the chaff, and find buyers that are willing to purchase with strict lockdown conditions? Investors.
In this webinar, we’ll show you how to build campaigns to nurture the investors in your database and start generating the right kind of buyer leads.
The New Era – The rise of the digital offline agent
Josh Phegan joined us for a bonus session as a part of our 30 Day Challenge initiative in the lead up to the Spring market.
Josh is a world-renowned real estate trainer, supporting some of the industry’s best agents. Enjoy this free 45-minute session that’s packed full of value.
During this session Josh covers:
- The new era – the age of safety and performance
- Human learning and what you can do to maximise client relationships.
- The power of your customer base.
- How digital intent drives offline activities for the best in the business.
- What to look for and how to capitalise on the trends that are reshaping the world in the post COVID era.
Set yourself up with a pipeline of sellers
Building a robust pipeline is essential to ensuring consistent business growth, as well as maintaining your business in a period of lower market activity.
In this webinar, we’ll show you how to engage the potential sellers in your database so that when listings start to shoot back up, you are in a position to grab the opportunity.
Why engaging with your database is critical right now
With a complete shut down in Victoria and slower moving markets in other states, there’s never been a better time to take back control.
In this webinar, we discussed why cleaning up your database and providing relevant information to your audience in a time of few listings, is critical to your business growth in the near future.
Send Intelligently Targeted Property Emails
In this webinar, we will be taking a look at the types of highly targeted and relevant email campaigns you can be/are sending through utilising the property feed settings in the Property Panels.
After going through some potential use cases we’ll hop into the email editor and walk through the basic, advanced & contact settings required to implement those potential uses.
Part 4: Five Mistakes Real Estate Agents Make with Email Campaigns – How to Avoid Them
This is the final part of Kylie Davis’ four-part series on email marketing!
The contacts in your database are like unmined gold and a great email campaign strategy can help you unlock their value. But a poorly executed strategy will ensure that wealth is never truly revealed.
In this webinar, we’ll take a look at the 5 mistakes that we see real estate agencies make when email marketing and how you can easily avoid them. Follow these tips to uncover the treasure that is sitting in your database right now.
Register here!
Part 3: Five Advanced Email Marketing Skills
Once you’ve got the basics of email marketing under your belt and are in a good routine, it’s time to lift your writing game.
In Part 3 of our Beginner to Master series with Kylie Davis, we’ll be focusing on how to write your own emails in a way that engages your contacts, creates stickiness, and ultimately drives conversions!
Not everybody is a born writer, but these 5 tips are a sure-fire way to help your emails standout amongst the rest!
Register here!
Part 2: Three Ways to Create Better Email Marketing
In Part 1 of our Beginner to Master series, we looked at how to get started with sending regular EDMs to your database of contacts.
In this webinar, we move on to Part 2 where we’ll be taking a look at the things you can be doing to ensure you’re receiving the greatest possible open rates and engagement on all the EDMs you’re sending out.
You can’t just slap a few panels together and expect great results, you need to plan and build emails that are readable, engaging & that provide value to your target audience.
Duration: 40 minutes