Getting Started: Agents

This webinar guides you through the setup and application of ActivePipe as a single user. See how you can utilise ActivePipe to streamline your email communications and benefit your business.

Every day 10:00 AEDT

Register here!

Finding Buyers in your Database

Your ActivePipe dashboard is full of powerful insights about your contacts.These insights can be pivotal to closing your next transaction, understanding what they mean will give you a clearer picture of what each of your contacts property objectives. In this webinar, Head of Customer Success, Henry Osborne will take you through how you can make most of the reporting available to you in your ActivePipe dashboard.

 We’ll cover:

  1. How to identify a buyer hit list via the contact interaction panel
  2. How to navigate property interaction
  3. How to identify contact intentions

Every Monday 10:00 AM AEDT

Register here!

Finding Sellers in your Database

Your ActivePipe dashboard is full of powerful insights about your contacts.These insights can be pivotal to closing your next transaction, understanding what they mean will give you a clearer picture of what each of your contacts property objectives. In this webinar, Head of Customer Success, Henry Osborne will take you through how you can make most of the reporting available to you in your ActivePipe dashboard. 

We’ll cover:

  • Contact Intent & Profile
  • Inspection & Appraisal Requests
  • High Value contacts & Contact Updates

Every Tuesday 10:00 AM AEDT

Register here!

How to create Targeted Emails

In this webinar, Head of Customer Success, Henry Osborne will take you through how you can stand out from your competitors with just a few small changes in your ActivePipe emails.

What’s Covered:

  • How to create dynamically personalised emails
  • How to send properties and content according to your clients requirements and location
  • How to keep your clients preferences updated as they progress through the property journey

When: Every Wednesday at 11am AEST

Register here!

This Month at ActivePipe

The ActivePipe Customer Success Team hosts live webinars throughout each month to help you grow your brokerage and drive revenue by leveraging our email marketing platform.

Click the RSVP link below to see our upcoming webinars and to Register!

Look forward to seeing you there.



Part 4: Five Mistakes Real Estate Agents Make with Email Campaigns – How to Avoid Them

This is the final part of Kylie Davis’ four-part series on email marketing!

The contacts in your database are like unmined gold and a great email campaign strategy can help you unlock their value. But a poorly executed strategy will ensure that wealth is never truly revealed.

In this webinar, we’ll take a look at the 5 mistakes that we see real estate agencies make when email marketing and how you can easily avoid them. Follow these tips to uncover the treasure that is sitting in your database right now.

Register here!

Part 3: Five Advanced Email Marketing Skills

Once you’ve got the basics of email marketing under your belt and are in a good routine, it’s time to lift your writing game.

In Part 3 of our Beginner to Master series with Kylie Davis, we’ll be focusing on how to write your own emails in a way that engages your contacts, creates stickiness, and ultimately drives conversions!

Not everybody is a born writer, but these 5 tips are a sure-fire way to help your emails standout amongst the rest!

Register here!

Part 2: Three Ways to Create Better Email Marketing

In Part 1 of our Beginner to Master series, we looked at how to get started with sending regular EDMs to your database of contacts.

In this webinar, we move on to Part 2 where we’ll be taking a look at the things you can be doing to ensure you’re receiving the greatest possible open rates and engagement on all the EDMs you’re sending out.

You can’t just slap a few panels together and expect great results, you need to plan and build emails that are readable, engaging & that provide value to your target audience.

Duration: 40 minutes

Register here!

Part 1: Four Steps to Getting Started with Email Marketing

This is the first of a four-part series designed to take you from understanding the basics of email marketing, to being a complete pro. We’ll be hosting one webinar every Tuesday for the next four weeks!

Getting started with email marketing is easy when you break the steps down and approach each of them systematically.

In this webinar, we’ll be looking at a winning formula to get you started and creating great email campaigns from day one.

Every Wednesday 10:00 AM AEDT

Register here!