It’s gotten to that time where you look at the calendar, realise that it’s only five days until Christmas, and wonder where the year has gone.
2018 has been an amazing year, strength to strength, and we wouldn’t be here without our users.
Thanks for making 2018 a top year.
This one’s for you!
In Reflection
It feels like yesterday, not last year, that I was writing the 2017 ActivePipe Year in Review.
This year we’ve launched in the US, built our global support team in Cebu and expanded into the finance industry. That’s on top of all the new features and improvements to the platform.
When roughly 50 per cent of startups fail in the first five years, it makes me proud and excited that we are still growing rapidly into our fifth year, with many new prospects on the horizon.
This comes down to much more than a great product.
I’ve spoken before about the importance of promoting a positive work environment to inspire your team, and I wasn’t blowing smoke. I meant it when I said that leaders need to inspire a sense of purpose in their staff if they want to maintain a culture of success as a business grows.
Our team has tripled in size this year, which has introduced a lot of new members to our ActivePipe family. Rapid expansion comes with its own set of challenges, but the new members of the team have brought different experiences from different backgrounds in different industries.
This diversity of perspective is something that makes us challenge each other and makes ActivePipe such an exciting and interesting place to work.
I can’t wait to show you what we’re bringing you in 2019.
How Was Your Year?
Many of you have absolutely crushed 2018. The ActivePipe Dashboard gives us insight into the workflow of our users and has shown us a lot of people with really impressive results.
This has helped us find a tonne of agents who are doing spectacular things with the platform, and has lead to some great conversations.
Among others, it alerted us to the Ray White Sandringham team, who won 17 appraisal request in their first 24 hours with an ActivePipe account!
Well done to all of those teams who have managed to save money on their path to more listings and more sales.
Not all of you will have had the greatest year. We all have our year that we think of as a ‘bad year’, but it’s important not to focus on the negatives. Instead, recalibrate and prepare for opportunities to come.
A wise man once said:
“Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards.”
Get excited for the opportunities that are waiting just over the horizon and get ready to make next year a success story.
Make 2019 yours.
We’re right here with you.
Your Say
We’re collecting the greatest stories from real estate in 2018 to create a follow-up article! This is a great opportunity for you to share your experiences from the year with the rest of the industry.
This could be something you’ve learned, the things you’ve overcome or stories about your contact relationships. This could even be a funny story from an OFI or your office.
Get in touch, because we want to hear from you!